Thursday, April 18, 2019


Not just conscious thoughts, but non-conscious impressions, feedback from our senses, physical movement, and even split-second mental simulations of that movement shape how we respond to a place, Goldhagen argues. And in turn, the place nudges us to think or behave in certain ways.

Their individual psychology mattered a lot less in terms of their experience and behavior than the environments they were in. So there isn’t this opposition between looking at it as a social construct versus experiential construct. It’s all the same thing. It’s a continuum.

It is true that both music and architecture have such common qualities as rhythm and repetition. But to me, the essence is somewhere else. I see all disciplines as boundless and interconnected.

I want to activate and interconnect spaces...Also, we, as architects, should not worry about designing everything 100%. We need to leave space for things to happen and let people take over. 

Creating spaces where people can feel as if they’re in a forest or can feel the openness to the sky. In a natural environment, you can choose your own path

That was when I realized that nature and artifacts, though different, can still create similar spatial experiences. And within the artificial spaces of the city, there are always natural elements.

Design Theory: Boundless

The concept is boundless, through blurred separation lines between indoor studying areas and outdoor environment, the spaces in between communicate and are interrelated with each other. This can activate the learning environment by providing an environment that maximizes interaction between functions and human activities. 

Moreover, the blurred walls and moving elements create different and ever-changing special experiences for users(by shadows, openness, natural light, etc.), that students can have individual preferences for various activities. 

The concept of boundlessness also represents UNSW as a welcoming cultural-diverse and multidisciplinary learning environment. 

Keywords from source: boundless, interconnect, choose, openness, spatial

Sarah Williams Goldhagen stated that the built environments would influence our behaviors and shape our life drastically more significant than we assumed. Colin Ellard's experiment further demonstrated that the stress level for human beings was dramatically lowered when people walking past something more visually diverse than generic boring buildings. However, these findings were difficult to apply to the design of educational institutions since the individual perception of the world was very subjective and cannot be defined.

Michel Rojkind and Sou Fujimoto also supported the significance of individual preferences based on either interconnected spaces or freedom of choice of path in nature in the conversations.

These theories and ideas lead us to rethink about the purposes of architectures schools: how to impact students positively and facilitate their learning processes through the nature of architecture. The answer given by this design is blurring the boundary of spaces (indoor, outdoor and the environment) to achieve the free learning environment.

Site Analysis

Sketch of the site,  indicating the geometric relationship of buildings already existed

Perspective Drawings

Axonometric Drawings

36 Textures

Plan and Section

Moving Elements

The Architecture

View from the main entrance on the roof of square house

View from south west


Model Links

Lumion environment:

Lumion - moving elements:

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Week6 - Keywords + 18 One point perspective


The design of the project is based on a both unifying and expanding concept that bridges between school complex, nature and modern society in the form a diverse, including and activating learning environment. 
Collaboration: Architecture is united with the landscape to form an open learning center and civic space in the center to build a school park.
Responsive space: The learning spaces expands traditional use and incorporate activities supporting experiential learning based on the learning process. 
Conglomeration: Each building with various functions expands from the center where is the core active and social place for students and academic stuff. The center is then interconnected by spaces with different functions.
Circular configuration: The circle sparks imagination with the open and inviting surface which is not limited by the linear and rule-based movement but incites the play and exploration.
Contextualization: The roofed area create transitions between indoor and outdoor area, the center and landscaping by creating the spaces for physical activities, social interaction, and relaxation. 
Positive behaviorsArchitectural means that qualities affect our senses to such a degree that they have a great impact on our behavior. Early stars often have physical counterparts which can be translated into room types.
The best learning environments are found in specific and specialized but at the same time diverse surroundings in which students are able to find space and room for their individual preference.

The project name, “MOKYEONRI”, means a harmony between trees from different roots, which identifies architecture of a series of spatial experience sensing diverse attributes of wood.
Spatial harmony: The architecture itself strengthens the experience of wood through seeing, smelling, hearing, touching from public view and thus forms a harmonious environment with the surrounding forest.
Abstraction of nature: Sunlight between the leaves falls down to the Ambience Wall and moves according to the wind, showing the variation of the urban environment during the different time of the day.

Announced in 2010, the project is dominated by an interlocking disc motif inspired by a local crystal formation called 'the desert rose.' 
Interlocking: The interconnected disk defines the floor, walls and roof with a large courtyard encircled, representing the form of petal of desert rose.

  • Architecture is the combination of art, structure and human environment. (bridge)
  • The educational architecture has the responsibility to promote a comfortable and stimulating atmosphere to activating learning for students and researchers. (school)
  • The moving elements reflecting the environment will create a spiritual aura and inspiring the thinking process for architecture. (moving)

One Point Perspective

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Week5 - EXP1 Submission

1. Off White
    [ Noun: Fulcrum
    [ Verb: Float]
    [ Adjective: Infinite ]

2. BernabeiFreeman 
    [ Noun: Jungle ] 
    [ Verb: Enclose ]
    [ Adjective: Repetitive ]
3. Auto Fabrica
    [ Noun: Fluidity ]
    [ Verb: Emerge ]                                   
    [ Adjective: Structural 







SketchUp Link

Week4 - Section

Week4 - Perspective

Week4 - Circulation

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Week3 - 36 Textures + Sketchup Model + Section

36 Textures

Sketch Up Model 
(designers work in their workshop)

Another Floating Model

Section View

1. Floating element?
2. Still boxing space?
3. Improvement of section view?
4. Consider 3 points of view that would show the most significant and distinctive aspects of your design when cut by an animated section; discuss these with your tutor
5. Light issue underground?